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Animal sexual abuse

1) I recently had intercourse with a sheep at a friend's house. He is a sheeprancher and one day he was talking about how good it was. He left town for a few days and asked me to feed his animals. I took the chance and gave it a try. The strange thing is that I enjoyed it more than having sex with my girlfriend. When I was a young lad I was molested by a female babysitter. I was wondering if you may think that the earlier incident in my life has affected my sexuality. I liked it so much that I want to do it again, but I am worried that I may contract a STD from the ewe. I have heard that you can.

Could you please help me?

2) I have read about men and women having sex with animals, e.g., dogs (Women on Top by Nancy Friday, Simon & Schuster, 1991). Apart from it being against the law (I think), are there medical reasons why this is not a good idea? For example, are there STDs that can be passed from animals to humans? Are there immunological consequences from depositing sperm into the vagina of another species? Is this kind of sex common?

Herpes info for women who have sex with women

1) All the information I have found about herpes is written for heterosexual couples. Are there studies about herpes in lesbians? How can I prevent transmission of the virus to my partner? I'm totally asymptomatic.

2) I'm female, in a relationship with another female. She is okay with the fact that I have herpes. I JUST NEED TO KNOW HOW TO PROTECT HER from contracting the virus. Please help me out here.


What is an abortion?

Abortion is the process of terminating a pregnancy. This can be done through two different methods: medication abortion or an in-clinic abortion. The different types of abortion may be used in varying circumstances, such as how long it has been since the pregnant person's last menstrual cycle, their health history, their preferences, and what services are available in their area.

View Resource What is an abortion?

Where to meet fellow grad students

1) I am 24 and just started a part time Masters' program. My last relationship was two years ago and I find it pretty difficult at my age to meet respectable guys. I enjoy the bar scene with friends, but don't find that it's very easy to meet good people there.

Anyway, do you have any suggestions as to where to meet decent men at my school and in my age group?

2) As an incoming grad student, I have a rather obvious question, which is something troubling lots of people here, I'm sure. Since we rarely have any academic contacts outside our own departments, where on campus are the best places and/or methods to meet women? It is a little too pretentious to just start talking to them out of nowhere....

Facts about fats

I know it's necessary to have a certain amount of fat in your diet, but occasionally I hear about "good fat" and "bad fat." What is the difference? Is that the same as saturated/unsaturated? What foods have "good fat"? Can I tell by looking at the nutrition label on a food product which kind of fat I'm eating?

What level of vitamin D is considered normal?

I recently had lab work done that identified a vitamin D deficiency. My level was eight and my doctor says that 30 is considered a normal level. I was then prescribed a vitamin D2 pill to help bring my levels up. I just read something that said vitamin D3 is the preferred type to use as a supplement and that 30 isn’t considered the “normal” level anymore, that the number should be closer to 40 or 50.

A few questions: Is it better to use D3 or D2? What level is considered normal? What are the effects of vitamin D deficiency?